Helping Thousands Of Families With Estate Plans And Probate

While estate planning is always a difficult topic to broach, it is important to manage your family’s assets in good times to minimize the emotional and financial impacts of this subject in the midst of difficult times.

Since 2010, Dell Law Firm, P.C. has worked with thousands of individuals and families throughout the Lake Country area of Georgia to create estate plans, administer estates and handle probate. We can work with you to find the right trust for your situation and assist with comprehensive will, POA and beneficiary designations. With our assistance, you can rest easy knowing the financial well-being of your loved ones is secure.

Creating Tailored Wills And Updating Them Regularly

There are several different types of wills and hundreds of arrangements to make in order to protect your family and your assets. Since everyone’s situation is unique, it is best not to leave your final arrangements to chance by using a generic online version. These lack the kind of comprehensive detail necessary to properly address your family’s needs. Our team of friendly, knowledgeable estate planning attorneys can make the process accessible and painless, giving you and your family the security that comes from proper planning.

You can augment your preparations through regular review and updates to your changing life situations with the timely completion of codicils. Our staff can review your needs and goals to prepare inclusive and detailed addendums to ensure a seamless transfer of assets when the time comes.

Protect Your Assets Through Strategic Planning

Our estate planning attorneys have more than 50 years of experience in creating plans that protect the interests of estate owners and their descendants.


Probate matters can take years to resolve. One way to help your loved ones avoid these issues is to initiate a trust. These are not solely the province of the wealthy. Let us review your situation to determine the best instrument to provide for your family’s needs, ideally circumventing many of the pitfalls that occur in the absence of proper estate planning.

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney can transfer decision-making authority for anything from a single contract negotiation to long-term personal or financial choices. While generic online versions lack significant detail and verbiage to qualify as a valid legal document, we have the experience to craft your POA to your specific needs so nothing is left to chance.

Health Care Directives

Many families experience the need for some type of health care directive at some point, whether that takes the form of a conservatorship, guardianship, living will, medical directive or one of several other options available. We can discuss these options to determine the best one for your family’s needs.

Straightforward Guidance For Probate

Probate issues can be overwhelming. Clarity is a precious commodity in the wake of the loss of a loved one. We can provide everything from trusted advice to comprehensive probate litigation services for the speediest possible resolution to your probate disputes.

Take The Steps To Begin Estate Planning

The sooner you get in touch with Dell Law Firm, P.C., the sooner we can help you prepare your will, trusts and other crucial documents. Schedule your initial consultation with our office in Greensboro. To contact us, please call 706-453-4800 or use our online contact form.